
Setting up local Certificate Authority

Creating a CA and a local domain for my home server and configuring Caddy.

  •  9 min read

Adopting Modern Web Analytics

My experience with adopting Umami - a private and open source Web Analytics platform.

  •  7 min read

Writing a Secure Password Manager in Rust

Coding a simple, yet highly secure password manager in Rust.

  •  20 min read

Learn Rust with Rustlings

Learning Rust is surprisingly easy with Rustling.

  •  2 min read

TypeScript - Extending types with Declaration Merging

Writing code that will be extensible from the consumer side.

  •  5 min read

Why and How be Good at Git?

Why and how you should improve your Git skills, both as a team player and as an individual developer.

  •  4 min read